How to Freeze Hamburger
I wish I would have thought about HOW TO FREEZE HAMBURGER like this before! It has been so much nicer doing it this way and with the smaller portions of the burger we divide, I find we are using less meat because we aren’t forced to use two full baggie fulls, but rather we can just “break” off what we need!
If you are like me you hate using 10 baggies every time you bring home a large package of meat so that you can freeze it. I buy large packages on discount and then cut them up into 1 lb or 3/4 lb servings and put them into baggies that go into our freezer. While I can get baggies for really cheap, I feel like this is almost wasting them…so I found a new way to package and freeze our meat without using so many baggies.
This can be done with your Vacuum Sealers OR you can use gallon size baggies.
Just take about 2-3 lbs of meat and put it into the bag. Push the meat so that it flattens out and goes into all the corners. Once you have it flattened out and it fills the bag, either zip it shut, pushing air out as you go, or vacuum it shut with your Vacuum Sealer. After you have it air tight, take your spatula, and cut it into four sections (or two, or three) as shown above. This obviously won’t actually “cut” the package, but divide the meat enough that it is not touching. Then you throw it in your freezer.
When you want to use it, just pull it out, bend it back and forth and you can open the bag and take out the frozen chunk you need, then re-seal the bag again!
Note: If you are putting the meat in the freezer, you should always write the date that you are packaging it, on the package.
I found this information several years ago, and on the plus side it takes it to another level. I really like some of her ideas on food prep.
This is a super good idea and I am going to give it a try